Some things just don’t fit into sensible classifications.
- A Feminist Perspective on Glaciation
- A Game of Consequences
- Alarm Clock, see Zephyr (an imaginary index)
- Allegory
- Antiquity
- Apep, the Snake God
- Begin to Learn to Read the Sea
- Blood Poem V
- Dinosaurs Rarely Pray to Athena
- Earth (for Greer)
- Emily Dickinson’s “Howl!”
- For Louise
- From a Found Typo
- Happy Birthday, Sherwood Smith!
- Imaginary Internet Friends
- In the Room the Women Come and Go
- Interviewing the Sky
- Jane Austen and Canute
- Joy of Reading
- Lions Vs Martyrs (What? What?)
- Lucy/Selendra
- Nonsense Sonnet
- Nonsense!
- On the compositional methods of Ada Palmer
- Overrated
- Ovid in Exile
- Ponty Market
- Rejoice!
- Sketching the Cloister of Santa Croce
- Spam Poetry
- The Destruction of Woking
- The End of the World, in Duxford
- The Godzilla Sonnets
- The Lurkers Support Me In Email
- The Snows of Coney Weston
- Time Travellers
- Tolkien’s Refutation of Plato
- Unusual Chameleons
- Usenet 25th December 2006
- Warre
- Where You Met Me
- Yet Another Story ID
- Zephyr Moon
- “Perhaps the horse will learn to sing…”