16th Febuary 2010: Jo Walton is — very silly sometimes

I was making a profile for Google Buzz (which I have no idea whether I’ll use or not) and it asked for a bio. I hate writing bios, and it occurred to me since it was Google to see who Google thought I was. So I did a search for Jo Walton is and came up with a long list, which strikes me as very funny. They’re all me, but some of them are terribly out of context, which makes them even better. I did reorganize them for smoother reading, but only slightly.

Jo Walton is:

“a science fiction and fantasy writer.”

“the author of several novels”

“an SF writer, poet, and has worked on RPGs. Her filk “The Lurkers Support Me in Email” is well-known in Usenet circles.”

“a Welsh science fiction and fantasy writer and poet.”

“a Canadian fantasy and science fiction writer and poet.”

“a British fantasy writer who moved to Montreal several years ago”

“originally from Wales, and moved to Montreal in 2002. This year, she became a permanent resident of Canada. She is married, and has one son.”

“very good at taking something familiar and putting an unfamiliar, intriguing spin on it.”

“saying nice things about me over on Tor.com!”

“never a boor.”

“not about to let us think that wars are so easily ended”

“widely regarded as one of the best writers of fantasy right now”

“the DVD extras commentary for brilliant SF”

“perhaps the first truly great fan- writer of the new online fandom.”

“one of my favourite human beings”

“trying to explain that there is a skill-set needed for reading science fiction”

“perhaps best known as the instigator of the International Pixel-Stained Peasant’s Day”

“a very – VERY – close second.”

“one of the greatest political writers I know”

“a fantastic first person story teller.”

“my new hero.”

“one of you.”

“not completely off-base.”

“unique among published SF authors in that I’ve not only met her, but also indirectly obtained a very good recipe for macaroni and cheese from her”

“obviously writing primarily about written SF.”

“so cool!”

“a writer who made using the Internet a part of life, and of literature, before most people knew it existed.”

Posted in Life as it blossoms out in a jar or a face, Whimsy