Blog Archives

12th June 2012: Shakespeare, real thing

When I compared Martin’s A Dance With Dragons to Shakespeare’s history plays, some people got all bent out of shape by the comparison, and it took me ages to understand why. I was indeed comparing Martin to Shakespeare, because they

Posted in Books, Theatre

8th March 2011: Cross-gendering Twelfth Night

As you can imagine, cross-casting Shakespeare is something I’ve thought about a lot — in Ha’Penny, the female protagonist is an actress cast as Hamlet because cross-casting is this year’s fad in alternate history 1949. Ursula Le Guin talked on

Posted in Theatre

23rd November 2008: The Bacchae

Last night we went to see a production of The Bacchae at McGill. I’ve wanted to see The Bacchae since, oh, since I read The Mask of Apollo, so let’s call that an even thirty years. It’s not performed very

Posted in Theatre

9th March 2008 Arcadia

SEPTIMUS: When we have found all the meanings and lost all the mysteries, we will be alone, on an empty shore. THOMASINA: Then we will dance…. Some things are worth making a little effort for. Other things are worth going

Posted in Human culture, Theatre

6th January 2008: My review of Kenneth Branagh’s Shakespeare’s Arthur

Some time ago, Ken MacLeod asked me to write this review, and I did, and posted it on rec.arts.sf.written. This morning, on Ellen Kushner’s LJ, Kij Johnson was asking why Shakeapeare hadn’t written about Arthur, and I remembered it. I posted it

Posted in Theatre, Whimsy

4th December 2004: The Tempest, Madd Harold

Directed by Madd Harold, at the main stage of the Saidye Bronfmann, with a budget. The Tempest the way Madd Harold directs it is not a play about some funny people on an island, it’s a play about a man

Posted in Theatre

5th October 2003: Dogg’s Hamlet, Cahoot’s Macbeth

Tom Stoppard is definitely a genius; in fact he’s clearly one of those geniuses who are proverbially close to madness. We saw Dogg’s Hamlet, Cahoot’s Macbeth at the Player’s Theatre in McGill, performed by the same university group who put

Posted in Theatre

3rd September 2003: Gravy Bath Coriolanus

Theatre is something it’s only possible to have in civilization. There are barbarian poems and stories and carvings and paintings, but only in settled communities have people come together to co-operate in this strangest of arts. There is a script,

Posted in Human culture, Theatre

11th December 2002: Pretty good, but not a patch on Hamlet

That was Zorinth’s review the first time we saw Macbeth when he was ten, delivered loudly as we went out through the lobby. This production, by the National Theatre School graduating class, downtown in the Monument National theatre was much

Posted in Books, Theatre