Blog Archives

The Dark is Reading 1: Tonight will be bad, and tomorrow will be beyond all imagining

I think if I were to read The Dark is Rising for the first time now, it would be a very different book. I was thirteen when I first read it on the beach in Hastings. Hastings is a town in

Posted in Among Others, Books, Fandom, Human culture, Life as it blossoms out in a jar or a face

28th February 2008: The Industrial Ruins of Elfland

I grew up in a post-industrial landscape. I didn’t know it, of course. I thought it was normal. It took me a surprisingly long time to see it. The South Wales valleys were empty until the industrial revolution, and then

Posted in Among Others

16th February 2007: Conversation with a Pigeon

Actually, you don’t have to fly away when I come into the kitchen. It was me who put out those oat-crumbs you’re eating. I threw them out into the snow earlier, and the last time I came into the kitchen

Posted in Among Others, Human culture, Whimsy

25th June 2006: Tangled Web

“Your nightmares are somebody’s daydreams, Your daydreams are somebody’s lies. Lies ain’t no harder than telling the truth, The truth is the perfect disguise.” Kris Kristofferson. I’m not in HP fandom, and I’ve been reading the MsScribe kerfuffle with bemused

Posted in Among Others, Human culture, Life as it blossoms out in a jar or a face

6th November 2003: Being able to talk about things

Thank you everyone who posted on my previous entry, I really appreciate the support and sympathy. I’m fine, and Zorinth (of course) came home without any problems and we had dinner and he told me way more than I wanted

Posted in Among Others, Life as it blossoms out in a jar or a face

5th November 2003: Why I am brave

It’s November 5th, and I have let Zorinth go to see Pirates of the Caribbean on his own, and come back on his own. November 5th 1976, my sister and I were crossing a road, on a zebra crossing near

Posted in Among Others, Life as it blossoms out in a jar or a face

22nd February 2003: As you wish

When I was a child, I could run. I haven’t been able to run since I was fourteen or fifteen, because of a trapped nerve in my pelvis after it had been broken, which affected me when I grew. The

Posted in Among Others, Life as it blossoms out in a jar or a face, My Books