Blog Archives

21st March 2005: A snippet

This is the story of the stupid things I did the year I was seventeen, the year my mother died, and how they twisted my life entire from the straight course it was set to run in. I was born

Posted in Sulien World, Writing

14th March 2005: Cold Girly Steel

Kate Elliott asked me why I wanted to write about warrior women, and I thought as this was likely to be long and self-indulgent, I’d answer over here. This also follows on from some things we were discussing in Rilina’s

Posted in Sulien World, Writing

1st August 2003: Sex, yes, gender, no.

I’m a woman. Furthermore, I’m about as heterosexual as people get, and I’m a mother. Also, I have long hair, like cooking, I’m married and I don’t earn as much as my husband. I sometimes wear jewelry and I like

Posted in Lifelode, Sulien World

3rd June 2003: Structure

Structure, for me, is something very delicate that emerges either before or as I am writing. It’s not something I add later, and the very thought of adding it later fills me with horror. I’ve frequently found that it’s easier

Posted in Sulien World, Writing

26th November 2002: Amazon…

Amazon, while they now admit they ship PRIZE IN THE GAME in 24 hours, still have no picture, and still say it’s released in December. But much worse is that they claim people who bought it wear cheetah print slippers!

Posted in Sulien World, Whimsy

22nd November 2002 Publication of Prize in the Game

A delivery guy just delivered a big box of books — twenty hardbacks of THE PRIZE IN THE GAME. Amazon still don’t have the cover up, and still claim it isn’t released until December, even if they do have the

Posted in My Books, Sulien World